Sunday, January 30, 2011

Finnie Family Saves the day

 After driving up my cars transmission breaks down and I was stuck on the toll road with no one around. I only had a little battery left and I called triple A and they wouldn't come because my mom wasn't with me. So I called up Coral and they came and got me and Bruce (Coral's dad) used his triple A and we got my car moved. I thought I was sleeping the night in my mini van for sure. Stoked to be home safe.
L to R: Coral, Wyatt, Bruce. (Finnie Family)   

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One wave at Rivi 1-25-2010

One Set Wave Yesterday at Rivi. I got a lucky one... I Wish I were Jeff right now and scoring bali pitts..
-Shaw Kobayashi

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Doug Rips to hard

Check out my friend Doug surfing and his blog
-Shaw Kobayashi

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Eve Session

 Happy New Years
Clean day on New Years Eve at Rivi. Check out some Head dip barrels. Nothing better than Ice Cream Head aches... Thanks Mike for the Pictures

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Last week at T-Street

Last Week at T-Street. Pretty Flat day, I think I was surfing the shore break. Taken by Casey Rutherford.