Friday, November 4, 2011

Ke11y won the title anyways

To me it doesn't matter ke11y won the tittle or not that guy is unstoppable he will win a title no matter what at least till hes 45... guy just gets better and better. Scary right? Watch he will win Pipe. and San Fran. Guys unstoppable. Stay tuned.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween and Andy Irons

Halloween is always sick, but this year I only got to carve a pumpkin and not dress up which was a bummer. My brother brought home tons of candy so I've been on a sugar high for days but after that was over the tragic moment were A.I passed away one year ago was sad moment in everyone's life. I looked up to him, he had an unique style that no one had and it's by far the best style I've ever seen. His surfing is phenomenal and I can no believe he is gone. It seems like just yesterday i saw him surfing lowers the other day. It's a bummer that he's gone but rest in peace Andy I know your surfing perfect waves where your at! RIP Andy Irons
-Shaw Kobayashi