Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dominated by the Goofy foots

Today this morning we surfed T-street with 2-3 ft surf. There were a couple really fun sections with only our friends out. The goofy footers today were dominating the field with only me that was a regular footed surfer.I got all the rights to myself, while everyone else was kicking and scratching for the lefts. Here's some pictures of this morning. Shots by Casey Rutherford.

Ghost Rider???
Jeff today going nuts again on 2-3ft wedgers. He had David water housing so we will see some more shots later.
Doug Van Mierlo busting up, coming up from San Diego for the weekend surf from school. Another San Clemente Graduate. We will be seeing him more...
Doug likes to copy me and ghost ride.. It's the new thing
Colton Ward trying out my new SD2 swallow from lost. Grom killing it with a bigger board for one wave.

Corey Colapinto also another local talent

Matt Colapinto, father of Corey, surfing in the AM with us. As you guys can see the whole field was over ran by the goofy foots.
-Shaw Kobayashi


coral :P said...

nice neon wet suit

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