Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I love broken boards...

2 weeks ago I was surfing at T-street hoping for some waves. There were a couple wedges and I wanted to try my new board. I just stickered up my new board and waxed up all ready to go. I also had a Photo shoot with Luvsurf. I used this board hoping to use it for the Cold Water Classic 6 star prime in Santa Cruz, but it broke in a weird way. So I paddled out and caught a decent size set and did one turn on it and it felt pretty good under my feet. So then the next wave i went for an air and it some how inverted in a weird way and when I landed the tail flew up on my feet. Check out some of the photos I have for it. So much for using my new board for the contest. Luckily Lost made me a couple other good boards for the contest or I was out of luck. Oh how I love breaking a new board without knowing how good that board could have been.... At least the good part of it was getting the shot for the magazine right? Funny part of it was the wave I broke on it was  the perfect shot. Well we will see how it comes out, but stay tuned I will post it up as soon as it comes out.

Smile big for the Camera...

My little brother and Koji Nishi (luvsurf) in the back ground

The after effects of two waves....

-Shaw Kobayashi


Just Friends said...

Beautiful Pictures.Lol
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vans shoes said...

what a nice and beautiful sea board is there
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