Monday, October 25, 2010

Shaw's Costa Rica Trip in Late July

This is me before the trip to Costa Rica. The whole trip that should have been only two and a half hour long flight took almost 13 hours. Taking a direct flight was the better option I will take from now on. It was not too bad of a flight since all of us were on the same row and you know what happens when you put all six 18 year olds together...

We just mess around with no regrets.  Pretty much the positive outlook on our lives. Life's too short right? So we just live it with as much excitement as possible. Our objective was to surf all day and have fun at night. Everything went smooth sailing..

 This is what we do when we are done with surfing... Messing around or Facebooking.

Tj wanted to be a different for once....

Gulo found a cowboy hat at the airport and wore it till we got to Costa Rica. Everyone thought he was a real cowboy. The Scar just topped it off..

Dylan... well.. just being himself.

Dylan broke his only two boards the first 2 days of the trip, but lucky him Jim Hogan was there to save the day and had his boards fixed up.

We had a little sushi night, it was delicious and it was only 15 bucks per person. Great deal for grade A sushi.

Me and Masato chilling in KFC in town.

Masato has a crazy side of himself too. It shows in his surfing as well.

Ian holding up the Nutella and wonder bread. That's what we basically ate every day for lunch. Home made sandwich's and cereal everyday.

After a Session out in front of our hotel at Teraza.

We did a little contest for some cash, but it was a super session so there was about 30 surfers in the lineup trying to impress the crowd for 200 bucks. Unfortunately none of us got the cash, but we saw impressive surfing by the local Costa Ricans. I think one of the Local pros won the contest. Good thing it was free to enter...

A Shot out front.
Photo Credit - Jim Hogan
Jim was a great addition to our trip to Costa Rica he really showed us basically everything on our trip. Thank you Jim. He's from San Clemente as well and now we lives in Costa Rica with his family.

All These Shots below are taken by Mama G. It was really nice to have some pictures from Costa Rica. We had great waves with just our friends in the line up. Life can't get any better when you have stand up barrels with no one out, but just your good friends right? I'm hoping to go back there next summer.

This was our hotel.. Beach Front was a really nice addition and the bonus was that Teraza was the beach break in front of our hotel.

- Shaw Kobayashi


Unknown said...

looks great shaw =] just what we wanna see!
<3 Morgan

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