Wednesday, October 27, 2010

This morning's beach break fun with Shaw

This is me surfing again at the same spot. Really fun peaky sections today. I love those glassy sunny mornings in San Clemente. I love 3-4 ft glassy wedgy waves. And this is Brent Hilleman again shooting the sick water shots.

This is my little brother Kei he's 11 and surfs like a 18 year old. Watch out for this grom!
My buddy Daman Alexander pulling in back side.
Brent Hilleman takes awesome pictures
Me and Daman trying to share a wave? and here's a couple more of myself surfing in the session earlier this morning.

-Shaw Kobayashi


Anonymous said...

Thanks shaw for the comment - Kei

lani said...

sick shots, lovin the blog.

Vans Trainers said...

Amazing photo Shot.Beautiful.

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