Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Today's fun little surf session in San Clemente

This morning Brent Hilleman was taking some water shots and it had some fun little sections this morning. Theswell was fun and peaky and better than what we all expected.. Heres some water shots from today. 

The afternoon session was at the same place and it was yet again super fun with bigger wedges but on the lower tide. Jeff punting as usual. Can you guess where we surfed? That is for you to sea for yourselves. These shots were taking from a SCHS surf team member Casey Rutherford. Great shots for an evening session... Patrick Gudauskas was out trying to put a last surf in before Puerto Rico. Good Luck to Pat. He's up against Mick fanning and Gabe kling. Im sure he will sneak a rodeo flip here and there to make those heats.
Jeff going inverted
                                                               Jeremy Carter sneaking in tube time.
Jacob Vanderwork carving through the section
Luke Davis getting pitted almost every wave out there today.

- Shaw Kobayashi


Anonymous said...

shaw, make your images take up the full 650 width. it will look much better. -mikev

Anonymous said...

muuuch better :)

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